The Key to Abundant Joy Is…


As inspiration for this article, I pulled a card from my most fave Mythical Goddess oracle deck.  I asked The Universe to guide me to a message that would be most helpful to you and the Priestess of Forgiveness presented herself to us!

The author’s message on this card says:

 “The Priestess of Forgiveness comes to you when it is time for you to examine your heart to find where you have been withholding love from yourself and others. 

Forgiveness is essential now, to let the loving light of the Goddess fill your heart.  Let your ego and judgments of others go forever by opening to the absolution she represents. 

Let your world and your very DNA be transformed through the power of forgiveness.”

As it’s Thanksgiving week here in the United States (as I write this), being in a state of forgiveness makes it a lot easier to be in a state of gratitude.  Family gatherings are a joyous blessing to many but also for many, are a challenge to deal with, bringing up old hurts and sometimes dysfunctional family patterns of behavior.

Forgiveness isn’t about making the other person’s behavior OK.  Forgiveness is a gift of peace you give yourself.  You decide to let go of the anger, resentment, hurt, frustration that YOU are holding, so that YOU can return to your own divinity and be at peace and harmony within YOUR life.

Sometimes the person that needs the most forgiving is the one staring at you in the mirror! In fact, YOU are always the most important person to forgive for whatever you imagine you’ve done so wrong and so terrible that it needs forgiveness.  There is a school of thought, to which I subscribe, that says everything we do is just a step on our journey – no matter how “backward” or “off course” it appears to be at the time.

The bottom line is this:  You can’t be grateful and resentful at the same time.  And you can’t be at peace and war at the same time.  Forgiveness is the magic  transformer.  Forgive yourself, forgive the ones who you think have done “wrong” and you get to return to Peace.

And from Peace it’s very easy to get to Gratitude.

And from Gratitude . . . Joy is only a heart beat away!

Try this quickie meditation:

Take a few moments right now to pause and go into your heart center.  

Close your eyes and connect with your Inner Guidance and Divine Greatness. 

From that space, ask if there is someone (or many ones) in your life that you will be seeing this week perhaps, or a troubling situation, that you would like to choose peace about.  Invite the Priestess of Forgiveness to join you if you like.  

Surround that person or situation AND YOU with glorious gold and pink light that so sparkles and shimmers and fills the space so that PEACE flows all around you.  Allow that Peace to be infused into every cell of your being as you gently open your eyes and return to Now.

And so it is and so it shall be.


May you have the courage to forgive 

and may your heart be filled with 

Peace, Gratitude and abundant Joy.



Here’s A Common Law Of Attraction Mistake . . .



Do you ever get discouraged because something you really, really want hasn’t shown up yet?

If you are human and reasonably honest with yourself, the answer is probably a resounding YES!  In fact, you might even use even stronger words than discouraged!

It’s disappointing to say the least In this age of “Law of Attraction”, fast food and instant messaging when the object of our desires seems to be forever out of our reach.

And so we make a decision that since we can’t SEE  evidence of our prize arriving on our doorstep, that nothing is happening and it’s NEVER going to arrive.

And that is simply NOT TRUE!

You see, our souls as integral parts of the Universe, know EXACTLY what needs to happen in order for that “prize” to become something real and tangible that we can touch here in “real” time.   Think of it like a giant cosmic, world-size jigsaw puzzle!   Close your eyes for a moment and imagine all the pieces of the puzzle that have to be put in place before the picture is actually revealed!!

Let’s use the example of someone winning the lottery and for our purposes, we’ll call him Joe.

First, Joe has to make a choice, an actual decision, that he wants to buy a ticket.  Then he has to make a choice WHERE he will buy the ticket.  Then he has to actually go and BUY the ticket.  And while Joe is making those choices and taking those actions, the store where he buys the ticket is also making choices and decisions including choosing to sell lottery tickets and going through the process of being a vendor, etc.  And, at the same time, there are the exact right number of people that walk into the store and buy tickets, before Joe.

Let’s not forget about all the steps that have to be set into place involving the process of actually determining the winning ticket!  Can you see how many steps, decisions and choices – pieces of the puzzle – that have to be aligned before Joe actually finds out he has THE winning ticket and manifests his winnings?

Behind the scenes, the Universe is methodically arranging all of the pieces so that Joe can receive his prize.  And what about the pieces AFTER Joe wins the lottery?  The bank, the stores where he’ll purchase all the “stuff” he’s been dreaming about, etc.

Can you see the ENORMITY of the energy behind Joe becoming  a lottery winner?

It takes a helluva lot of energy to manifest into physical form – and sometimes – arranging all those pieces of the puzzle takes more “time” than we think it “should” and therein lies our disappointment!

Here’s a useful and comforting fact for you: over 90% of physical manifestation happens in the NON-physical BEFORE “the prize” can manifest into physical!   WE CAN’T SEE IT while that’s occurring!!  But just like we can’t see the 90% of the glacier that’s under water, it doesn’t mean that our prize doesn’t exist!

So the next time you feel that since you don’t have evidence of your heart’s desire on your doorstep, it’s just not coming – remember this article!  Don’t lose your focus and don’t let doubt, anger or fear dowse the anticipated joy of the arrival of your prize!


Because another “fact” about how the Law of Attraction works is that how you FEEL has a very direct impact on the “speed” of your manifestation. Every doubtful, fearful, or angry thought is like you holding up a giant STOP sign to the Universe!  The good news is that on the other hand, every joyful, grateful and excited thought and feeling becomes a “GO, GO, GO” sign to the Universe!

I believe our lives are meant to be filled with joy and all the good things in life!  Use your infinite inner power of FREE WILL to create that in your life this week!

How To Be More Prosperous


Want more $$$ in the bank? 

OK . . so I know the answer is YES!  (probably more like “Duh?  OF COURSE I DO!!!!) . . . .

This isn’t a subject I write about very often, but it seems to be “up” this week so here we go.

Bear with me here, you’re gonna have to do a little self-investigation in order to actually add the cash because it’s all really about your money mindset.

I’d love to offer you a magic pill, or cash-generation system (perhaps a very “special” printer for the basement [wink-wink]) but I don’t have one of those.

The 5 Questions

What I do have are 5 questions that will help you begin to change your Money Mindset – which is the starting place for any physical manifestation (aka “mo’ money”) can show up.

We all have our “Highest and Best Self” and can access Divine Wisdom if we choose to.  Today’s article is going to give you an introduction to an aspect of you, I like to call your Inner Money Magician!

And don’t poo-poo it before you try it.  Let’s face it – you have nothing but more moolah to gain, so in the spirit of “What-The H-E-double-toothpicks”, let’s get started!

I suggest you grab a pen and paper or open up a doc on the computer to respond to these questions.  And just do it NOW.  Yeah I know you are busy and you don’t have time, and you can’t be bothered.  But if you REALLY want more money, then what better use of your time is there?

And you don’t have to write a novel here . . . a few words, or 2-3 sentences that are the first thoughts that come to your mind is all that is necessary.

And yeah – you can do it in your head, but trust me, it gets into your subconscious WAY BETTER if you write it!

Ready?  COOL!  

Let’s change your money mindset!

    Q1:  Write down the 3 words that FIRST COME TO YOUR MIND about money.  Don’t judge ’em – just write ’em.  No one has to see this.  But if you wanna change your mindset, you gotta come clean with YOU!

   Q2:  If you had all the money you need to be EXTREMELY comfortable (including vacations, a decent car, nice house, etc) . . . what do you think would be the first 3 words that come to your mind?

    Q3:  Is there a difference In the words you used between Q1 and Q2?

   Q4:  Write down how you FEEL about the difference (if there is one).  Are you mad?  Happy? Frustrated?  Are you pissed off you are even bothering with this little exercise?

   Q5:  If you could wave a magic wand RIGHT NOW to change how you are feeling about money, what would FEELINGS would you change?   Remember – we are talking about your emotions and feelings – not the circumstances.  While it’s tempting to want to wave the wand and see a few mill magically appear at your doorstep, that’s an outside circumstance you do not have the power to control.  However, you ALWAYS have the power to control what you are THINKING and FEELING.

So to reframe Q5 —  if you ALREADY HAD a few million sitting in the bank, how do you think you would feel about money?

Interesting yes?

Did you come up with some answers that surprised you a bit?

Hopefully you answered YES!!!  Because, that means you have just become more conscious about how to improve your ability to receive more money.

Here are some of the ways you’ve ALREADY changed your money mindset by answering these questions (and if you haven’t done the questions yet — what are you waiting for? ;-))

  • You showed you have the courage to see more Truth
  • You probably discovered some fears or beliefs that you may not have realized fully you had
  • You discovered you DO have an Inner Money Magician who helped you answer the “if you already had money” questions
  • You brought up some new ideas from your subconscious mind into your conscious mind which is where you have the power to make changes!

I’d say that’s all pretty cool!  As one of my dear friends tells her clients:  “Consciousness precedes change!” 

You cannot change until you become aware!  So give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for taking the time, energy and effort to respond to this little questionnaire!  It’s a GREAT start!

Your Mission For The Week:  Start noticing your thoughts about money this week without judgment or criticism.  That’s a great first step.  Get to know Your Inner Money Magician a bit better!  Start up a dialogue!  Ask it to help you become more aware of your hidden beliefs about money! Take some notes!

Your Inner Money Magician is here to help you . . . and so am I! 🙂

Here’s to your Pro$perity!

How To Be Positive Even When You Are Scared @#%less


How can you be positive even when you are scared #$&%less?

Well, you can pretend you are in an Alternate Reality in the holodeck of The Enterprise where only good vibes exist and you always make fabulous choices and decisions!

What would you do DIFFERENTLY if you had no history or memory of anything that happened prior to this moment?

Pretty astonishing thought isn’t it?

Pause a moment and just let the enormity of it sink into your bones.

What if you didn’t remember how it felt when your mom said something critical about how you look?

What if you didn’t remember how it felt when s/he didn’t call you back after that date?

What if you didn’t remember that money was “hard to come by”?

Can you see how much we let our past control our present? 

I know I’ve written about this before, but when I saw this quote from Naomi Dunford at this morning it actually almost brought tears to my eyes.


Because, even I (who live and breathe this stuff as much as poss 24/7), am still filled with pains from my past experiences.  No matter how much Ho O Pono Pono (Hawaiian forgiveness process), prayer and meditation I do.  No matter how much tapping (EFT) or Abraham-Hicks (Law of Attraction) videos I watch.  No matter how many tears or tissues I’ve gone through.

The pain is still there.

It’s gonna be there as long as we are in human form!

Diminished over time?  ABSOLUTELY!

Every present in my thoughts?  Thankfully, not always.

But the moment we butt up against one of those hurtful memories in our current world, the floodgates tend to open.

And THAT’s where the danger lies.

Danger in the sense of  . . . if we get swallowed up by the painful flood of emotions, then we will not be making our decisions or our choices from our most powerful and greatest self!

And we don’t want that!

We want to be as present in our greatness, in our amazing wonderful selves as we can be in any given moment.

And 1 way to do that is to use today’s tool the next time you notice a fear or insecurity or “concern” popping up.

Ask yourself – RIGHT IN THAT MOMENT:  “What would I do/think/feel/say if I had NO MEMORY of the past?”

And then make your choice according to your CURRENT Divine Wisdom.

Your Divine Self is always conspiring on your behalf for YOUR Highest Good.

It has no judgment.

And it has no memory.

Allow yourself to tap into that Divine Guidance BEFORE you take the next step.

Because that next step . . . will be tomorrow’s memory.

And what if you had only FABULOUS memories?


Ahhhhh    . . . . now THAT’s a WAY COOL question isn’t it?

Let’s all dwell in THAT reality shall we?

I Wish I’d Know THIS Sooner…Self Empowerment


Abraham, the collective entity channeled by Esther Hicks, coined a phrase many years ago . . . 





Let’s Talk about Self Empowerment!

It makes me breathe easier when I choose to believe it.  I literally let out a big  AHHHHHH of relief!

I won’t debate with you whether it is a factual statement.  Of course, if you want to, you can point out any number of things in the “real” world that support the opposite position – that things are really MUCKED UP!

But one of the other tenets of Abraham’s teachings is that we create our own reality.

What that means to me is that if I am very selective about the thoughts I think, the actions I take, the emotions I express . . . that I can, indeed, create my own version of reality at any time.

There can be chaos in the world, but I don’t have to participate in it.  I don’t have to spread the word of gloom and doom.  I don’t have to talk about the “terrible” accident that occurred on the freeway.  I don’t have to watch the news or incessant replays of the latest “disaster” in the world.  I don’t even have to have the internal conversation about why my partner or kid or friend were “horribly wrong” when they said X Y and Z.


And here’s why that’s important.


It may be different for you (or you may just not realize it), but when you watch the 99% negative news reports on TV you are choosing (unconsciously perhaps) to LOWER YOUR VIBRATION.  The same thing happens when you keep telling all your friends about the latest argument you had with your kid or partner.  Or when you replay it over and over in your own mind!

Lower vibrations move you away from Joy.

 They move you away from Inner Peace.

They move you AWAY from Love.

The way the Law of Attraction works and quantum physics too for that matter,  grossly overly simplified is:  LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.

That means you can’t feel PEACE if you believe that there’s a “right” and “wrong” about the latest conflict in the world.

You can’t attract JOY when you feeling miserable because your bank account may not be as full as you would like.

You can’t find LOVE if you condemn a political party for its views.

I know that’s a pretty radical approach to life.  It won’t feel OK for many.

I’m OK with that.

You see, I don’t need YOU to approve of my approach in order for ME to be at peace.

I respect your right and absolute privilege to choose what YOU want to think, believe and do.

Even if it is in complete conflict with my own viewpoint.

Even if it is in complete conflict with our cultural viewpoint.

Because, that way, ALL IS WELL in MY world.

I maintain my sense of peace.

I maintain my sense of calm.

I maintain my sense of joy.

And if I’m feeling peace, calm and joy inward, I also radiate it outward, which contributes to peace, calm and joy in the world around me.  The energetic ripple effect.

So this week, think about what you are rippling out.

And if you don’t like it, remember you can change it in a heartbeat.


No shame, no blame.

Just shift to a better feeling place, a happier ripple!

Sending you ripples of peace, joy and love!




Believe in YOURSELF!


Use this powerful affirmation whenever you are feeling unsure of yourself and/or overwhelmed.

It has served me well for nearly 30 years! Learning to BELIEVE in Yourself and to TRUST Yourself is one of the most important lessons we can learn!


“I BELIEVE I am Divinely Guided.

I BELIEVE I will always take the right turn of the road.

I BELIEVE I can do all things with God who strengthens me.”


THE ZEN OF SALMON: How To Stop Swimming Upstream

What do you and salmon have in common?


Perhaps that you (and I) spend quite a bit of our lives swimming upstream! Fine tuning our goals, believing and having more self awareness is the focus.

Salmon are “programmed” to reproduce in the same waters from which they were hatched.  The problem is that they are hatched in fresh water, but live in salt water as adults.  When their internal clock says it’s time to spawn, they use their sense of smell among other things, to return to their birthplace, hook up with a mate and after making several nests (called redds) they eventually expire from exhaustion!

Sadly, some of us humans do the same – although without the clear purpose (reproduction) of the salmon.

That’s not very Zen-like!

We have a purpose – to make life better for our kids, to build a business that will last, or whatever it may be, and we determinedly pursue our purpose with all the right and good intentions as we push ourselves from one goal to the next, one achievement to the next, one dream to the next.

And if you are enjoying that ride – then GOOD ONYA as the English say!

But for many of us, myself included, that constant pushing onward and upward becomes exhausting and more importantly, disillusioning.  We get caught up in a cycle of constantly STRIVING and STRUGGLING for an ever-illusive bigger and better goal, dream or aspiration.

Is it wrong to want something more than you currently have?

Not necessarily.  After all, according  to the Law of Attraction, each “wanting” sends an energetic Rocket of Desire to the Universe and when we align our thoughts and actions energetically to that desire, we manifest it.  It’s how we “get stuff”!

And also, nothing can ever be “wrong” per se!  It’s all just a step in our human journey.  Wrong is a word in the human vocabulary, but the soul, the Universe, God, Universal Source Energy – whatever terminology you choose – doesn’t have a judgmental vocabulary.  It only knows energy and the level of vibration – that’s also the study of Quantum Physics!  It’s mathematical or science or both, but it’s not a value judgment!

So let’s get back to us and the salmon. 

Thankfully, we are different than salmon because we have a very complex brain!  And we can bypass our programming if we devote some time and attention to it!  Just because we may have been told as children that the only way to get ahead is to “work hard” and that our current culture still supports that paradigm, doesn’t mean we are compelled ever-after-more to follow it!

Because as humans, we have the power of choice!  Once we become aware of other options, we can dwell a pause, re-evaluate and make a different choice if we want!

That’s one of the things that makes us different than salmon!

And that’s very ZEN!

The point is that if we are constantly struggling and striving, aka swimming upstream, we DO get too tired, physically, emotionally and spiritually to ENJOY THE JOURNEY!

And ENJOYING THE JOURNEY is the whole reason we are here!  We wanted to have a human experience because it had variety and because it gave us opportunities to expand our experience energetically.  As Divine Source we believe that being human is FUN!  And then, as we take on human form, we FORGET THAT!

And we come out of the shoot, a bit like the salmon!  Pre-programmed by our mere humanity for struggle and strife.


Let’s knock it off!

Let’s choose again!

Let’s use our physical brains to re-evaluate!

Let’s remember our Divine intention!

Look – I get that there are some things we still feel we “have to” do . . . like laundry and going to work.  But don’t let those “have to’s” become the “onlys” . . . .

Don’t let your whole life be about traveling from one “have to” to the next!  We miss the point entirely when we allow ourselves to do that.  We go back to being salmon!

See if you can reduce the number of “have to’s” in your life.

See if you can change your attitude about a “have to” into an “I choose to” or even better “I WANT to.”

See if you can remember to literally stop and smell the roses in between the “have to’s”  and  really be consciously present in the now moment the next time you give the family pet a pet! Or really notice the twinkle in your beloved’s eye.  Or the sparkle of the morning dew on the grass.

Even while you are in the midst of a “have to” you can stop and become grateful. Appreciate the RESULT of the “have to” – in the laundry example… it may seem like the chore but who doesn’t love the smell and feel of fresh sheets on the bed! Or clean knickers!!!

While I certainly do not want to malign the magnificent salmon as a species, I do want us to remember that we are different.

We have the power of choice.

We do not “have to” swim upstream and die of exhaustion.

Let’s choose a little ease and grace shall we?

Let’s ZEN shall we . . .




Love Yourself!


This message is going to be on the shorter side.

Because . . . .

What I’m hearing is just to tell you a few things about …

Boosting Self-Awareness and Self Acceptance

Like . . .

You MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world by your presence.

You are ENOUGH just as you are.

You are AWESOME.

You are SPECIAL.


You are NEEDED.

You are WANTED.


You are LOVED.


Now . . . .

Your mission this week, should you choose to accept it . . . 

Is . . . 

To . . . 



What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?


What stories are you telling that are hurting you?

Every person has a story to tell.

Sometimes we tell the stories to ourselves, and sometimes we share them with loved ones and sometimes we even share them with strangers.

These stories we tell however directly influence the quality of the lives we create.  Today’s article explains what I mean.

Our beliefs are frequently expressed through the stories we tell.  What do I mean by a story?  I mean recounting the incident that happened yesterday with your daughter.  Or the story you tell about how hard it is to pay the bills.  Or the one you moan and groan about how fat you look in that outfit.

All of those are examples of how our underlying beliefs are affecting the quality of the life we think we are consciously creating.  The beliefs are so tightly interwoven into the fabric of our conversations, both internally and externally, that we mostly don’t even recognize what is going on.

We think we are innocently discussing the challenge we had with our child, but what we are really doing is adding disruptive energy to an already disruptive situation.  Yesterday, was yesterday.  Either you resolved the situation yesterday or you didn’t, but continuing to talk about it a negative manner won’t help things either way.  If we’re not saying something GREAT about our kids, we probably shouldn’t be saying it. (Even to ourselves!) — And that’s true about our bosses, our BFFs and even our spouses! 😉

And that goes for thinking it also.  Replaying the argument over and over again in the so-called privacy of our own minds doesn’t help either.  Because The Universe is listening.  Our Soul is listening.  Quantum physics is at play and the negative vibrations are being transmitted out into the Universe and magnetizing similar vibrations to boomerang back to you.  That’s the underside of the Law of Attraction!

The same thing happens when get dressed in the morning, go look in the mirror and then turn away upset with your own reflection and saying “I can’t wear THIS today?  I look horrible!!  And then you add fuel to the fire with a litany of beratements:  “I’ve got nothing to wear.”  I look fat in everything!”  I hate my clothes!”  and eventually you get to . . . . “I hate my body.”

And that lower vibration has power.  

The power to harm. 

And it is harming YOU!

Your breathing changes whether you realize it or not.  Your stress levels increase, whether you realize it or not.  You drop something in the kitchen a few minutes later and proclaim it a “crappy morning” and find yourself stuck in traffic, so you confirm that it really is a CRAPPY morning and then you get to work and something unexpected pops up which you weren’t prepared for and so on it goes . . . .

The energetic vibration behind the simple story you told yourself when you looked in the mirror ripples out into YOUR Universe and mucks up the rest of your day.

So this week . . . become conscious of your stories.

If your life is flowing along and you feel happy and peaceful and relaxed . . . you are telling GREAT stories!  CONGRATS and KEEP IT UP!!!  

But if you are feeling depressed, anxious and stressed . . . your stories need improving!

If you can’t tell a better story – meaning finding something GOOD in the situation to talk about, then do something that distracts your mind and your mouth (and your Inner Critic – Herman in my case!)  Here are 5 things you can do to change and lift your vibration:

  1)  Go for a walk around the block

             2)  Put on some happy music

            3)  Go wash your hands, your feet, or take a shower

            4)   Cuddle someone you love and pets count!

            5)  Drink a glass of water and imagine that every sip is clearing          away your angst.


The bottom line here, as always, is:  

YOU are in charge of the life you have!

The more conscious you become of the stories you are telling about it – privately or publicly – the more control you will have to create the happy, peaceful, prosperous life you want AND DESERVE!


Is Your Past HAUNTING You? Overcoming the Past

I realize that for many of us, overcoming the past and focusing on the future can be a speedbump.  Poems about overcoming the past  can be helpful and Spirit downloaded this one to me recently.  




Now What? Get it?


Because now that you finished that sentence and are reading this one, it IS your future, and whatever you were thinking, feeling, being or doing a sentence or two ago, is brought forward energetically into NOW.

So NOW we want to create the most joyful moments we can because we want to bring JOY and PEACE and all those good kinda vibes forward right?  At least if we want our future to be filled with THOSE kinds of good juju!

But what do we do about those past moments that we didn’t feel so happy or peaceful?  What about those moments that may have felt downright yucky?  What do we do about THOSE you may be asking.

Here’s the answer:  “Leave ’em in the PAST because 

the time has PASSED!”

Yes, it’s true, you may have brought a bit of yucky energy into your present because you didn’t know any better or couldn’t do any better AT THE TIME.

But here’s the tricky bit — every time you revisit the Past . . . you are bringing it back AGAIN into the NOW . . . and into your future!

You actually re-activate the same yucky vibes every time you think about “that” person, “that” event, “that” situation.

Not very useful really is it?

There are only a couple of useful things to come out of re-visiting a past experience:

1.    To course-correct – see where you went off your path so you can re-align with where you really want to go;  or

 2.    To uplift your perception of it so that you actually generate new, more positive energy In your present.

It serves absolutely NO useful purpose to rehash an old hurt or painful wound otherwise.  Oh I get how easy it is to fall back when you hear a certain song on the radio, or happen across an old photo while clearing up your desk . . . but the next time that happens . . . choose to remember reading this . . . and in THAT moment . . . DON’T GO into the pain.

Catch yourself!  Become conscious of what you are feeling!  Become conscious of the mind-chatter!  Once you become conscious, you activate your ability to CHOOSE how you WANT to feel, what you WANT to do next!

Sometimes you’ll be ready to review the situation from a more neutral position and see if you can find the blessing and/or change your perception.

But sometimes all you need to do is just MOVE ALONG to the next thing.  Put the picture back where you found it, change the radio station!  You become pro-active in your own life when you make those decisions!  The actions will lead you to better feeling thoughts instantly, if only because you won’t be dwelling on the past pain.

Better still you can re-focus your attention on something that opens your heart or puts a smile on your face!  Here’s a few suggestions:

  • Think of someone you really love
  • Pat your pet
  • Put on your favorite happy song
  • Actually SING your favorite happy song

The second you choose a better-feeling thought or take a better-feeling action you take a giant leap forward towards a happier future and you get the added benefit of feeling better RIGHT NOW!

Pretty cool eh?


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