What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?


What stories are you telling that are hurting you?

Every person has a story to tell.

Sometimes we tell the stories to ourselves, and sometimes we share them with loved ones and sometimes we even share them with strangers.

These stories we tell however directly influence the quality of the lives we create.  Today’s article explains what I mean.

Our beliefs are frequently expressed through the stories we tell.  What do I mean by a story?  I mean recounting the incident that happened yesterday with your daughter.  Or the story you tell about how hard it is to pay the bills.  Or the one you moan and groan about how fat you look in that outfit.

All of those are examples of how our underlying beliefs are affecting the quality of the life we think we are consciously creating.  The beliefs are so tightly interwoven into the fabric of our conversations, both internally and externally, that we mostly don’t even recognize what is going on.

We think we are innocently discussing the challenge we had with our child, but what we are really doing is adding disruptive energy to an already disruptive situation.  Yesterday, was yesterday.  Either you resolved the situation yesterday or you didn’t, but continuing to talk about it a negative manner won’t help things either way.  If we’re not saying something GREAT about our kids, we probably shouldn’t be saying it. (Even to ourselves!) — And that’s true about our bosses, our BFFs and even our spouses! 😉

And that goes for thinking it also.  Replaying the argument over and over again in the so-called privacy of our own minds doesn’t help either.  Because The Universe is listening.  Our Soul is listening.  Quantum physics is at play and the negative vibrations are being transmitted out into the Universe and magnetizing similar vibrations to boomerang back to you.  That’s the underside of the Law of Attraction!

The same thing happens when get dressed in the morning, go look in the mirror and then turn away upset with your own reflection and saying “I can’t wear THIS today?  I look horrible!!  And then you add fuel to the fire with a litany of beratements:  “I’ve got nothing to wear.”  I look fat in everything!”  I hate my clothes!”  and eventually you get to . . . . “I hate my body.”

And that lower vibration has power.  

The power to harm. 

And it is harming YOU!

Your breathing changes whether you realize it or not.  Your stress levels increase, whether you realize it or not.  You drop something in the kitchen a few minutes later and proclaim it a “crappy morning” and find yourself stuck in traffic, so you confirm that it really is a CRAPPY morning and then you get to work and something unexpected pops up which you weren’t prepared for and so on it goes . . . .

The energetic vibration behind the simple story you told yourself when you looked in the mirror ripples out into YOUR Universe and mucks up the rest of your day.

So this week . . . become conscious of your stories.

If your life is flowing along and you feel happy and peaceful and relaxed . . . you are telling GREAT stories!  CONGRATS and KEEP IT UP!!!  

But if you are feeling depressed, anxious and stressed . . . your stories need improving!

If you can’t tell a better story – meaning finding something GOOD in the situation to talk about, then do something that distracts your mind and your mouth (and your Inner Critic – Herman in my case!)  Here are 5 things you can do to change and lift your vibration:

  1)  Go for a walk around the block

             2)  Put on some happy music

            3)  Go wash your hands, your feet, or take a shower

            4)   Cuddle someone you love and pets count!

            5)  Drink a glass of water and imagine that every sip is clearing          away your angst.


The bottom line here, as always, is:  

YOU are in charge of the life you have!

The more conscious you become of the stories you are telling about it – privately or publicly – the more control you will have to create the happy, peaceful, prosperous life you want AND DESERVE!


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