Love Yourself MORE!

You MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world by your presence.

 You are ENOUGH just as you are.

 You are AWESOME.

 You are SPECIAL.

 You are VALUABLE.

 You are NEEDED.

 You are WANTED.


 You are LOVED.


Now . . . .

Your mission, should you choose to accept it . . . 

Is . . . 

To . . . 


Herman vs. Your Heart? Who Wins? Who’s Herman?



I don’t know about you, but I’m guessing your inner voices don’t always “play nice” inside your head right? Especially when you want to do something new that feels a little scary!

It’s a topic I write about often because it’s a topic that is so much a part of our daily lives . . . our inner mind chatter.

It’s usually brutal isn’t it? I mean when I stop for a few minutes, even after all these years of self-development and self-improvement and consciousness awareness, blah blah blah, and I listen to what is going on in my head . . . I’m frequently astonished.


It’s usually brutal isn’t it? I mean when I stop for a few minutes, even after all these years of self-development and self-improvement and consciousness awareness, blah blah blah, and I listen to what is going on in my head . . . I’m frequently astonished.


I’ve named my ego Herman. After Herman Munster in the old TV series. In my mind Herman was an OK guy who just often got it wrong while trying to be helpful. Our ego is trying to be helpful. It’s trying to keep us safe. That’s not a bad thing.

Clearly, we don’t want to be playing in traffic or sticking our wet hands into light sockets. Herman is good for protecting us from that kind of stuff.

But he honestly doesn’t know the difference between me playing in traffic, or me doing something different – like deciding to do more videos and article writing so that I can help more people. Because Herman doesn’t have the discernment to recognize WHY I’m doing something different. He only knows that “something different” means I might be unsafe . . . and that triggers him into “I better keep her safe at any cost” mode!


So how does that show up? Well for many of us, including me, one of the ways is procrastination. Instead of writing the new blog post, I decide to suddenly install a new plug in on my website. Or do the dishes. Or hang out reading Facebook posts. Or check my email 100 times.

Herman has it DOWN I tell you! He does an OUTSTANDING job of keeping me safe! All of those distractions keep me from writing the blog post! YAY Herman!

Oh . . . but . . . Divine Spirit is also telling me I’m here to serve. I’m here to help. I’m here to have fun and make money too! And that requires some conscious choices. Some focus inspired action.


The kind of focus inspired action that gives Herman a heart attack and makes him jump off the couch and start acting like a drill sergeant! Where he tells me to just “click here – it will only take a minute . . . ” and then another minute, and then an hour, and then a few hours, and then I STILL haven’t accomplished my inspired action and written the bloody blog post!

It may be something different for you. Maybe your goal is make more time for you. But suddenly you find that you have even LESS time because all kinds of “things” are getting in your way! That’s a sign that your Inner Herman is in charge!

It doesn’t matter WHAT your goal, dream, aspiration is. If it’s out of the “norm” for you . . . especially if it’s a stretch from your usual comfort zone . . . it’s most likely gonna kick your Herman into gear!

But here’s the really good news . . . 

You know I always like to give you the good news right?

The Good News is that your Divine Spirit, Inner Wisdom, Universal Messenger, whatever you want to call it/him/her . . . has got your back!!

In times like this, I like to picture my Divine Spirit wearing a Superman cape! In this instance “he” swoops in and gives me the pep talk I need to extract myself from Herman’s well-meaning clutches!

Divine Spirit reminds me (and you) . . . that I have the power to make choices in my life that feel good. That I have the power to choose which voice I want to listen to. That I have the power to take a baby step closer to what I really really want and that I’m not doing it alone because all of the powers of the Universe are conspiring on my behalf for my highest good ALL THE TIME!


All the powers of the Universe are conspiring on YOUR behalf for YOUR highest good ALL THE TIME. 

But there is that “free will” thing . . . so you gotta ask ’em for support . . . and once you do – BAM! They’re INSTANTLY on the J-O-B – just like Superman.

So Dear Ones . . . if you aren’t getting what you are wanting. . . start paying attention to what voices you are listening to! And if it’s your version of Herman, call in the calvary! Call in Superman, the Fairy Godmother, Jesus or anything or anyone else you want that will remind you that you have the power to choose again.

And . . . that’s certainly something I can help you with!  Mentoring with me  on an ongoing basis to give you a consistent boost may be exactly what you need right now!  Here’s all the info!

REMEMBER THIS WEEK:  It’s OK to tell Herman to “eff off” if necessary to maintain your Inner Peace!



One of the most damaging ways we muck up our inner peace is playing the comparison game.  The image below says it all pretty clearly!
Frankly, we’re just silly when we look at a picture in a magazine, or a model in a TV ad and then look down at our very human, non-air-brushed, non-photoshopped bodies and call ourselves ugly, fat, or whatever!

Trust me!  No matter how pretty that model may be, s/he didn’t get out of bed looking THAT good!!!  And, even if she did (NOT), that’s not to say that when SHE looks in the mirror, she sees herself as FLAWLESS!

Demi Moore, the well-known and acclaimed actress, was recently quoted in a magazine about how uncomfortable she feels about her looks — even after appearing in movies where she played a stripper and a military officer!  Even HAVING a flawless body, doesn’t mean you FEEL GOOD or BELIEVE your body is beautiful!

So where does that leave us?

Actually in a really cool place!


Yes!  YOU HAVE THE POWER!  Not the frickin media!  You get to decide what’s beautiful to you.  And when you do . . . I highly suggest you do it through the eyes of your heart and not your Inner Critic!

Your heart, your Divine Self, only has the capacity to see GORGEOUSNESS!  And EVERYTHING is gorgeous through its eyes.  Yes, even the flab, the cellulite, the dark circles under your eyes, the not-right hair or WHATEVER!

Divine Spirit doesn’t see any of that — and you have the power and the choice AND THE RESPONSIBILITY to choose what you see also!



I’m 100% certain you will feel better about your body if you do!

P.S. COMMENT BELOW and share your GORGEOUSNESS revealed after reading this post. 🙂


I’m a huge fan of baby steps, chunking things down to bite size pieces and honoring your fears and resistance.  I don’t think beating yourself up ever serves a useful purpose.


BUT . . . .

At the end of the day . . . . .

Most of the time . . . if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want what you are focused on consciously creating . . .


You eventually have to . . . .




You can hem and haw . . . you can eat chocolate . . . you can take a bath . . . a walk . . . or even clean the grout in your shower . . . but eventually . . .


You will come back to . . .




Because you must.

Because it is who you are.

Because it is why you are here.

Because if you don’t you will make yourself nuts.

It doesn’t matter how big the “it” thing is . . . or how small . . . or how seemingly unimportant.

The capital “T” Truth is  . . . that if you are resisting, stalling, making excuses, rationalizing, eating chocolate or anything else rather than just doing IT . . . there’s a message in “IT” for you and you won’t find the message until you take the action and . . .



Bitch, moan, groan, whine, whinge, stall . . . . it’s all OK.

It just keeps you from being in your peace for that much longer . . . .

But eventually . . . .

You will realize . . . . .

That you’re gonna have to . . . .



And when you do . . . . REMEMBER THIS:

All the powers of light in the Universe . . .

will be holding your hand . . . .

giving you wings . . . .

preparing the way ahead of you . . . .

shining the light into the darkness . . . .


and . . .


seeing the REAL you, The DIVINE You . . .



and so will I, if you post your leap here in the comments section!!

Go ahead . . . .






I’m having a “life’s too short” moment after receiving news that a lovely colleague and supportive friend of mine here in town is in ICU at the hospital after having had a stroke a few days ago.  Interestingly enough, my friend and I were supposed to have had a “catch-up” date at her house on the day that she apparently became ill . . . I had been surprised that she had not responded to my texts or phone messages earlier that day to confirm our dinner-time visit.

Her illness particularly struck me because she currently lives alone and her adult son did not find her to get her to the hospital for about 24 hours  . . . I too currently live alone with the exception of my “woman’s best friend” the Lovely Lola Rainbow.


As I write this, today is also the first day of a new “schedule” I created for myself – a weekly “TAKE CARE OF ME” day . After 6 months of whirlwhind activity culminating in my (best selling!) book launch and week long birthday celebration, I took some time to regroup and re-evaluate how I wanted the remainder of 2012 (and my entire remaining physical life!) to play out.


What did I want to experience each day?


How did I want to feel each day?


Those are very different questions than “what will I get done on my never-ending TO-DO list today” type questions!


I also received a response from my business coach on a piece of marketing copy I had sent to her that I was really proud of and excited about.  Her response was that she “liked” it  . . . .but I read between the lines and asked her what it would take for her to “love it” . . . . I wasn’t overly thrilled with her reply to that query and as I was mulling that over, I heard the news about my friend in ICU.


And then Inner Critic, Fear and Doubt voices kicked up a storm!  “What if that was you lying alone at home undiscovered for 24 hours?”, “What if you never make any money?”  “What if this new business area is a complete and total flop?”  “Who are you to think you can do any of this stuff anyway?  So what you just had a #1 best selling book launch – that was YESTERDAY!”


Luckily, (well actually it wasn’t luck — it was a firm commitment on my part that INNER PEACE and JOY are my top priorities) . . . I had the clarity to pause.



And to pray.


For my friend OF COURSE!


And for guidance for me.


And what I heard was . . . .


“Steph . . . this is an opportunity.  You made a strong and focused decision and commitment to invest your time in ways that you can feel good about.  You also made a strong and focused decision that feeling as good as possible in any given moment is your goal AND more importantly that it is TOTALLY WITHIN YOUR OWN CONTROL how YOU CHOOSE to feel in any given moment.


You’ve been feeling VERY good and you have also been receiving GREAT results from your inspired actions.  This moment is no different from all of those.  You STILL get to choose how you want to feel and how you want to invest your time.


You can let fear, doubt and worry grab you by the short hairs, or you can choose to strengthen your connection to your core beliefs  . . . trusting and believing that ALL IS WELL and in Divine Order and taking the actions that lead you to the best feelings you can muster in this moment.


It’s ALWAYS your choice . . . and the events of today . . . are just an opportunity you have created to strengthen your convictions or re-evaluate them if you desire.


We will support you, as always, in either choice.


Which way do you want to go?”


(Btw — I noted on the time on the clock in the room at that moment . . . it was 11:11 😉


And there it was . . . .


Laid out for me quite clearly . . . once again . . .


I decided in THAT moment that cleaning my kitchen was the best action I could take to feel the best I could about myself.  As I walked into the kitchen I saw that the oven clock was 1 minute off the microwave clock and both were a minute or two off the office clock, so I got to have 2 more “11:11” moments and took them as “a sign” that I was on a positive, aligned track!


I held my hand over my heart and recited a line from a Marianne Williamson quote I had posted on my fridge:  “Let only LOVE enter here” until both clocks had ticked over to 11:12 J  and then proceeded to clean the hell out of the kitchen!


There is something about a clean kitchen that DEFINITELY brightens me.


And today that chore gave me the additional time to reflect.


And to choose again.


And I choose peace.


And I choose JOY.


And I choose NOT TO WAIVER in my commitment and decision to feel GOOD and to invest my time and attention in ways that expand those good feelings.


Because you see . . . I don’t think my friend in ICU is worrying about whether she did her marketing “right” or even whether her kitchen is clean.  She and I are friends partially because we share the same belief system . . . and we both know that the stuff on our to-do list really doesn’t matter in the long run as far as our Divine Spirits go.


And we also share the belief that our primary purpose here on the planet is to share our unconditional love and our bright lights . . . first with ourselves . . . and then as far and wide as we can imagine.


So in this moment, I know the best thing I can do for my friend . . . is to take care of me . . . and the best way I can take care of me . . . is to remember who I am . . .


And who YOU ARE TOOO . . . .


A glorious child of a loving Universe with a unique and bright Light and unique and special gifts and talents that only YOU can bring to the world.






This physical life at least . . . IS too short to do anything less!!!


And besides   . . . it’s what we came here for in the first place!



[Ed. Note:  My sweet friend Dez made her transition back to pure source energy a few days after I wrote this post.  It’s been a few weeks now, and I often feel Dezi’s energy saying “atta girl Stephie!”]

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