BEAUTIFUL AT ANY SIZE: The Plus Size Woman’s Guide For Nurturing Confidence & Self-Esteem

plus size self esteemIf you are “fed-up-to-here!” of feeling FAT, BAD and WRONG, then this book, BEAUTIFUL AT ANY SIZE – The Plus Size Woman’s Guide to Nurturing Confidence & Self-Esteem, will change your life dramatically for the better when you read it and actively practice the many easy-to-follow techniques and processes throughout the book.



“Look at the fat lady, Mommy!”

If you are a plus size woman (or man for that matter), you have no doubt walked down the streets or through a mall and felt the glaring stares, or seen the disgusted looks on some faces as you pass by.  Maybe even an innocent child has shouted out “Look at the fat lady, Mommy!”


Sometimes you shrug it off and act like it never happened, but sometimes, you notice that there’s a bit of water in your eye as a sad tear makes it way down your face, the result of the sadness in your heart, yet ANOTHER time.

BEAUTIFUL AT ANY SIZE, The Plus Size Woman’s Guide to Nurturing Confidence & Self-Esteem was written for you!  For every woman that has ever had to navigate her way through the narrowest of aisles in a crowded restaurant, or had to figure out how to get through a turnstyle, or who has to ask for a seatbelt extension on an airplane, this book is for you!

Are you really going to eat THAT?

This book is also a perfect choice if you ever have a war with food and mealtimes.  If you can’t even eat celery and carrots without feeling guilty and/or ashamed, than the content of this book will soothe you and provide you with new perspectives to regain a sense of peace and even joy around eating!

NO mirrors please!

It’s also for you if you’ve become expert at seeing yourself only from the neck up when you look in the mirror, if you are terrified of going swimsuit shopping, or if you simply refuse to go to any pool parties or water activities because you won’t even be seen in a bathing suit AT ALL under ANY circumstances!



This revolutionary new book by plus size empowerment expert Stephanie Rainbow Bell,  is based on the author’s rock-solid beliefs that you will find peace and joy when you can ACCEPT-YOURSELF-AS-YOU-ARE, right this very minute!  The inspiring and motivational book provides you with a toolkit full of new perspectives, new ideas, and new compassionate power practices to transform your shame and self-blame into power, pride and purpose! Then, you can make the choices and take the actions to create a life that brings you joy, peace, prosperity, love, success and anything else that your heart desires.


This is NOT another diet-weightloss-fitness book!  NO!! NOT AT ALL!!!

Stephanie’s mission (and mandate) is to completely eliminate shame, blame, guilt and self-loathing around women’s size, shape and weight and you will learn how to begin that process in BEAUTIFUL AT ANY SIZE, The Plus Size Woman’s Guide to Nurturing Confidence & Self-Esteem!

Just CLICK HERE now to buy the book on Amazon and then return to this page and COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW to receive your first bonus gift!  (There’s a second gift for you INSIDE the book!)

You’ll receive your book from Amazon in just a few days, and in the meantime, you can begin transforming your life TODAY with your bonus gift: “7 Tips To Feeling Beautiful At Any Size” E-course!

Take charge of your life now!  Be POWERFUL!   GO FOR IT!